How to get started with gardening - Ripples Home

How to get started with gardening

Don't have much experience with gardening? Don't worry, you're at the right place. Let's help you get started with our top plant picks for first-timers (or lazy plant parents)...
Don't have much experience with gardening? Don't worry, you're at the right place. Let's help you get started with our top plant picks for first-timers (or lazy plant parents).
If you're starting out, you don't want to begin with a hard to maintain plant that may eventually die and ruin your first experience. 
Begin with plants that are stress free and easy to care for.
Here are few low-maintenance plants we think you can begin with:

1. Snake Plant

Snake Plants are low maintenance, easy to care for, indoor plants. Additionally, they can survive low light levels, drought and have few insect problems.They're a one of the best air-purifying plants according to NASA.
Photo by Jake Goossen on Unsplash
How to plant a Snake Plant:
  • Choose a pot with a drainage hole in the bottom. 
  • Use a well-draining potting mix.  A “cacti and succulents” potting mix is ideal.
  • Our Medium Midori Planter is the right size for a Snake Plant. 

Choosing the right location:

  • Snake Plants can be placed anywhere at home but if you're placing them at a window then make sure to place it 1 feet away to avoid direct sunlight.

When to water them:

  • Snake Plants don't need to be watered often as their thick leaves have enough water retained in them already.
  • Don't water the plant unless the soil feels dry and the leaves start drooping.

2. Jade Plant

Jade plants are succulent houseplants which make them a fairly tough plant. They're long living plants that can be passed down from generation to generation and grow upto 3 feet tall indoors.
Photo by Crassula Care on Unsplash
How to plant a Jade Plant:
  • Choose a pot with at least 1 drainage hole and is no more than 2 inches wider than the root ball of the plant.
  • Jade Plants don't mind being a little crowded.
  • Use a well-draining potting mix.  A “cacti and succulents” potting mix is ideal.
  • Depending on the size of your plant, our Small or  Medium Midori Planter are ideal for a Jade Plant.
Choosing the right location:
  • Place your Jade Plant in the brightest spot in your home.
  • You can even place them directly by the window, unlike many other houseplants, Jade doesn't mind the sun.
  • They're pretty non-fussy and can be placed anywhere in your home. They will survive but the only downside is that they won't flourish well.

When to water them:

  • In active growth season (summer and spring), the plant can be watered thoroughly and deeply. 
  • But every time you water it, wait till the top 1-2 inches of soil dries out before you water it again.
  • SInce it's a succulent, it won't sit well in constantly wet soil.

3. Song of India

Song of India is a popular houseplant with a variety of leaf variations. Though the most popular one is the yellow edged variegata type. It is an easy to grow houseplant that can go upto 3-4 feet tall.

Song Of India

Photo by Choo Yut Shing on Flickr.
How to plant Song of India:
  • Choose a pot with at least  2 drainage holes. A Medium or Large pot will be ideal for the plant depending on its size.
  • Use a well-draining potting mix.  
  • Depending on the size of your plant, our Medium or Large Midori Planter are ideal for Song of India.

 Choosing the right location:

  • Song of India requires bright, indirect light. Direct sun may burn the leaves and low light will cause the plant’s yellow striped vibrancy to fade. Therefore find a good balance for the plant to thrive. 

When to water them:

  • Song of India prefers to stay dry. Therefore wait for the soil to dry out before watering them.
  • Make sure not to overwater the plant.

4. ZZ Plant

ZZ Plants are low maintenance, easy to care for, indoor plants. They have waxy, smooth leaves that reflect sunlight and brighten rooms. 

Photo by Nicolas Solerieu on Unsplash
How to plant a ZZ plant:
  • Choose a pot with at least 1 drainage hole. A Small or Medium pot will be ideal for the plant depending on its size.
  • Use a well-draining potting mix.  They're not so fussy about their soil mix.
  • Depending on the size of your plant, our Small or Medium Midori Planter are ideal for a ZZ Plant.
Choosing the right location:
  • ZZ plant required low to bring indirect light. They can be placed anywhere at home and they'll be fine.

 When to water them:

  • ZZ plant prefers to stay dry. Therefore wait for the soil to dry out before watering them.
  • Make sure not to overwater the plant.

If you're interested in herbs, these are the ones you can begin with: Holy Basil (also known as tulsi), Parsley, Mint and Curry Leaves. We'll be talking about herbs at length in one of our upcoming blogs.

When deciding what plants to get, make sure to do a quick research on their watering and sunlight needs.

You can download our "Happy Plant Checklist" on our website, if you want to a checklist for your plant needs and get 10% off for first time buyers, on all our planters.

Remember to water your plants on time (once a week should be enough for most plants), give them adequate sunlight depending on their requirements, and slowly but steadily, your plant will reward with you fresh new baby leaves. Seeing your plant baby grow for the first time is definitely a proud moment for any plant parent.

Besides, staying stuck at home 24x7, adding plants to your home can inject life and colour into your space. So what if you can't go out? Let's get the outdoors in.

We'll see you with the next blog.

Stay safe and take care!

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